+55 12 3125-2185
+55 12 2103-1620

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Welcome to our Site

Who we are

NEST - Negócios Estratégicos is dedicated to the industrial and commercial development of Brazilian and foreign companies. We provide advisory and guidance on setting up, relocating and modernizing companies. NEST provides you with all welcoming services at airports, escorting for lodging at hotels and transportation in cities and meetings with mayors of the municipalities, states secretaries and governmental and no-governmental departments involved in these processes in order to locate areas for the deployment of your company, analyze of utilities and gives you all the support you need for your pre- operational activities.”

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Projects and Financing

FUNDING - NEST carry out projects for obtaining resources in “lease back” operations, financial operations with investment banks and pension funds, participating interests, "funding" and fundraisers with national or international groups that can leverage your business.
BNDES – THE BRAZILIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK - financing requests to BNDES should be initiated with a prior consult, in which the basic characteristics of the enterprise and its business are presented in order to allow a framework analysis in light of the operational policies of the bank.
FINAME – is a BNDES program dedicated to the financing of machinery and equipment with local content.

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Brazil: Come to the Vale do Paraíba

The The Vale do Paraíba region is a pictoresc valley located between the two largest industrial centers of Brazil: Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo cities. It is a highly industrialized region where there are companies such as EMBRAER, GM and VOLKSWAGEN. The valley also home of CTA/ITA, the largest aerospace research and engineering of Brazil. We strongly welcome you to the valley where we are with open arms to receive you and your company.

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Our Partners

Check on NEST's partners who are engaged in facilitating the establishment of your business in our country.

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Real Estate

Consult our real estate and analyze which industrial area is suitable for setting up your company in Brazil. Check our prices and conditions.

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Trademarks and Patents

Marcas e Patentes

The “American Marketing Association” defines trademark, or brand, as a name, term, sign, symbol or design, or a combination of several of these elements, in order to differentiate a product or service from your competitors. Operating is a foreign country requires taking care of your intellectual property when it comes to trademarks and brands. NEST is prepared to assist you to protect your trademark or brand.
”A product is something that is manufactured at the factory; a brand is something that is purchased by the consumer. A product may be copied by a competitor; a brand is unique. A product can be overcome rapidly; a successful brand is eternal”. Stephen King

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Following Federal Government authorization given to private entities to manage airports dedicated to executive aviation, NEST decided to take advantage of having in its team professionals with over 20 years of aviation experience and created a consulting group on aviation and aerospace. The team is strategically focused on airport infrastructure, market studies and Sales.

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